Do you ever have those moments when you suddenly feel completely in alignment with your SELF? It’s that inner knowing… THIS is what I am here for. This is who I AM. This photo is a record of one of those moments for me. I was at an herbal workshop –...
(spoiler. it’s in front of you.) I can’t believe 2019 is almost over! Don’t blink after the new year, right?? I took this snapshot at Aiea Loop on New Year’s Day of this year. This view was a representation to me of some inner work I had been doing – all about...
My sisters like to say – “Words are hard.” Isn’t that the truth? Lol. And I have a story about words today… Are you one of those people that chooses a “word of the year” for each new year? If you aren’t familiar with the idea, the concept is to choose a...
Sending you a special hello in a fresh space – because I have something to offer to the world! 🙂 It may continue to evolve and shift, but I am excited to share my gifts & passions in this space. So much love and gratefulness to those who have loved me...